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White House to implement password retrieval methods in case the president forgets the nuclear launch

We've all been there. You try to log into one of your social media or financial accounts but you just can’t remember your password. Luckily, most of us is able to access these accounts after answering a few security questions but it is still bothering.


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Since the early years of the Cold War in the 1940s presidents had to set a new secret code once they took office at the White House. But what if the only person who holds the launch codes to the world largest nuclear weaponry forgets it. This could be fatal in case of an attack since the United States would not be able to prevent a nuclear fallout or to retaliate. Former presidents like George Bush and Bill Clinton used traditional methods such as leaving sticky notes on their computers in the Presidential Office or keeping it handy in a notebook.

Unfortunately, these methods are out of fashion in the age of smart phones. But there are a concerns that the President’s cellphone could be vulnerable to hackers. To make sure that no complications arise the White House security office decided to give the option for the president to retrieve or to reset a forgotten launch code. Hopefully this will be a safer way to keep such secrets truly in secret.

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