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Trump orders stock prices to rise

After a shocking fall in American stock prices yesterday, Trump signs executive order to increase their value.


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The order is yet to be ratified by the Congress but there might just be enough time to see its effects on the market. Past incidents already made it clear that the president is more than happy to sign executive orders whenever he feels so. But most of these orders are defeated in the Congress after a few weeks. Whether Trump’s latest order will meet the same fate is yet up to question but until then the order will determine stock prices.

The action itself was nearly unprecedented in US history. Such measures were only used during the Great Depression. However, it didn’t work back then and modern stock markets will probably react negatively to any intervention of such magnitude. The Chinese government has already suspended the purchase of most American stocks affected by the order and the Russians are set to follow. EU member countries such as France and Germany also reacted with disappointment to the order.

Stock prices were smoothly working their way up since President Trump took office in February but scandals such as the firing of FBI Director James Comey or the Russian wiretapping incident lead to some uncertainty in the market on Thursday.

Donald Trump who also took interest in the stock market as a real estate guru told reporters at the White House that his actions are carefully designed to balance out the destructive effects of negative news coverage by the left-leaning media.

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