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Mushroom cloud shaped hieroglyph discovered in Egypt

Researchers at the University of Northern Bavaria uncovered an ancient Egyptian mural featuring a disturbing mushroom cloud-shaped hieroglyph.


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The symbol closely resembles the unique mushroom-like clouds created by nuclear explosions. “When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I told myself I must be dreaming” said Johnathan S. after a press conference in Frankfurt early Monday. “I am not sure if I should be happy or worried about this discovery.” he added humorously. The authenticity of the hieroglyph is still debated since it isn’t the first time to uncover an unusual and greatly out of its place hieroglyph. Three years ago, scientists discovered a similarly shocking set of hieroglyphs that form the shape of modern military vehicles such as helicopters, tanks and battleships.

Conspiracy theory expert prof. David Ihnler believes the authenticity of the artifact. He reacted to the discovery in the following way “This could be a warning, or something truly terrible have happened back then that we don’t know about yet. Either way, we should not take this lightly. The world is full of mysteries and we must pay attention to findings like this one”.

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