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Alaska to held referendum on rejoining Russia

Alaska’s parliament voted in favour of a referendum about joining the Russian Federation.


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The possibility of a referendum was already on the table for years as pro-Russian sentiment is spreading across America’s largest state. The local separatist party which gained a majority of the seats last year has blamed the Federal Government for a cooldown in Alaska’s economic expansion. Separatist politicians pointed out that the people of Alaska enjoyed more freedom and market flexibility when they were still part of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. They also claim that the act of purchasing Alaska from Russia in 1867 is an action that devalues the life of Alaskan people who had no choice but to become citizens of the 49th State of the United States of America.

Besides being the largest of all 51 US states Alaska is an economic superpower on its own right. The discovery of its large oil and gold deposits lead to an economic boom that lasted for decades in the 20th century. But people in Alaska feel that the Federal Government took advantage of the state in the far north without properly compensating its people.

The referendum is to be held in early November of 2018 and its outcome is a foregone conclusion. The Kremlin appreciated the enthusiasm of the Alaskan people however Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian politicians to neither encourage nor to discourage the separatists.

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