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Donald Trump cancelled the 2020 elections due to high costs

Elections are cancelled in an unexpected turn. US President Donald Trump have announced “There will be no presidential elections in 2020”.


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The announcement came as a surprise for most Americans even though it was one of the President’s many promises prior to the elections last year. In 2016 Donald Trump have blamed the Obama administration to use the elections as an excuse for overspending. He claimed that new technologies such as electronic and online voting are designed to raise the costs of elections to enable “certain people” to become richer.

“I promised it before the election and I always keep my promises. I was shocked to discover how much our elections cost to this country. Since the introduction of electronic voting, their costs have tripled. We will need to make it stop. So we decided to delay the next Presidential election until late 2021. My administration will use this extra year to redesign the way Americans elect their leaders so it will be fairer, simpler and cheaper” said President Trump in Chicago late Wednesday.

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